German Grammar A1 (Personal Pronomen)


In english to conjugate a verb we have Personal pronouns, like that German also have personal pronouns caleed as Personal Pronomen.


Ich - I (singular)
Du - You (Singular-informal)
Er - He
sie- She
es - It
ihr - You all (Plural-informal)
wir- We (Plural)
sie - They (Plural)
sie - You (Singular as well as plural - formal)

With this personal pronouns a verb can be conjugated

Verb Conjugation

verb conjugation for the verb Sein(To be)

Singular                                                            Plural
ich - bin -I am                                            ihr - seid - You all are
du - bist - You are                                      wir - sind - We are
er/sie/es- ist- He/She/It is                          sie - sind - They are
                                                                   Sie - sind - You are


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