
Showing posts from August, 2015

German A1(Akkusative Case)

                      Akkusative Case : Der Akkusativ * Der Wenfall Akkusativ case is the Object case, wher the verb has two elements - the subject as well as the object. The subject may be a thing or a person, singular or plural, which answers the question who (wer) or what (was). The verb is always conjugated according to the subject. The object may also be a thing or person, singular or plural, which answers the question whom (wen) or what (was). The subject is the Doer of the action and the objest is something on which the action is done. E.g. Sie sucht den Ball. - She search the Ball        Ich kaufe das Auto.- I buy the Car. In the examples below, the accusative (direct object) word is in  red : Der Hund beißt  den Mann .  The dog bites  the man . Er beißt  ihn .  He (the dog) bites  him  (the man). Den Mann  beißt der Hund.  The d...

German A1 Cases (Nominative Case)

                                Cases in German  In English to  write a sentence we need Subject + Verb + Object ,  like that German also need Subject, Verb and object but It has divided into four cases depending on the subject and Object. Nominative Case Akkusative Case and Dativ Case and Genetive Case. Nominativ Case :                      The  nominative  case—in German and in English—is the subject of a sentence. The term  nominative  is from Latin and means to name (think of "nominate"). All German nouns have one of three possible genders: masculine ( der ), feminine ( die ) or neuter ( das ). The nominative plural of any gender is always   die   ( pron . DEE). These gender words are also called   definite articles   ("the"). The most common gender in German is ...

German A1 Numbers (Die Zahl)

                                    NUMBERS IN GERMAN Die Zahl - Number Eins - One Zwei - Two Drei - Three                                                                                     Vier - Four Funf - Five Sechs - six Sieben - Seven Aucht - Eight Neun - Nine Zehn - Ten Elf - Eleven Zwolf - Twelve Drei Zehn - Thirteen Vier Zehn - Fourteen Funf Zehn - Fifteen Sechs Zehn - Sixteen Sieben Zehn - Seventeen Aucht Zehn - Eighteen Neun Zehn - Nineteen Zwanzig - Twenty Ein und Zwanzig - Twenty One Zwei und Zwanzig - Twenty Two Drei und Zwanzig - Twenty Three Vier und Zwanzig - Twenty Four Funf und Zwanzig - Twenty Five Sechs und Zwanzig - Twenty Six S...

German Grammar Articles (ARTIKEL)

                                           ARTIKEL In german language articles plays a main role because for  every Noun  has its article. And also always learn the German words with their aticle. As english German also  have two forms of articles.  Bestimmter Artikel - Definite Article Unbestimmter Artikel- Indefinite Article. Bestimmer Artikel :                                 It refers about the definite articles. The definite articles in german are classified into three types. Der   Das Die Der comes before a masculine singular noun, which may be a thing or a person , e.g Der Kuli Das comes before a neutral singular noun, which may be a thing or a person , e.g Das Buch. Die come sbefore a feminine singular noun, which may be a thing or a...

German Grammar A1 (Personal Pronomen)

                                         GRAMMATIK In english to conjugate a verb we have Personal pronouns, like that German also have personal pronouns caleed as Personal Pronomen . PERSONAL PRONOMEN Ich - I (singular) Du - You (Singular-informal) Er - He sie- She es - It ihr - You all (Plural-informal) wir- We (Plural) sie - They (Plural) sie - You (Singular as well as plural - formal) With this personal pronouns a verb can be conjugated Verb Conjugation verb conjugation for the verb Sein(To be) Singular                                                            Plural   ich - bin -I am                           ...

Greetings in German

BEGRÜßUNGEN (Greetings) : German people follow the greetings as in Formal way and as well as in Informal way. The formal and informal ways of greetings depends on the speaker. In this a detailed explanation of  how to use the greetings in german. Commonly used words/Dialogues to greet in German: Hallo- Hello Grüß Gott- Hallo (mainly used in southern part of germany). Wie geht es Ihnen? - How are you/? - formal Mir geht es Gut.  - I am good. Wie geht's du?- How are you?- informal Gut- good Haben sie einen Tag noch- Have a nice day- formal Freut mich- Glad to meet/see you . Guten Tag- Good day Guten Morgen-Good Morning Guten Essen- Good Noon Guten abend- Good Evening Gute Nacht- Good Night Danke schön!- Thanks a lot Danke, gut- Thanks, fine Bis bald- See you soon Bis später- See you later Bitte- Please Tschüs- Bye(friendly) Entschuldigung Sie, Bitte- Excuse me please. - Formal If you have any doubts you can contact me at k.prudhviraj17@gmail....

German beginning Course

To start a german course first of all you need to know the letters and their pronouncation. German Alphabets: In English we have vowels, like that Deutsch also have some vowels called UMLAUTS Ä(ae)- M ÄDCHEN-Girl Ö(oe)- ÖL-Oil Ü(ue)-W ÜNSCHEN-Wishes ß is a ss ligature,it pronounces like s in set.   ß- HEI ßEN-To be called