German A1(Akkusative Case)
Akkusative Case : Der Akkusativ * Der Wenfall Akkusativ case is the Object case, wher the verb has two elements - the subject as well as the object. The subject may be a thing or a person, singular or plural, which answers the question who (wer) or what (was). The verb is always conjugated according to the subject. The object may also be a thing or person, singular or plural, which answers the question whom (wen) or what (was). The subject is the Doer of the action and the objest is something on which the action is done. E.g. Sie sucht den Ball. - She search the Ball Ich kaufe das Auto.- I buy the Car. In the examples below, the accusative (direct object) word is in red : Der Hund beißt den Mann . The dog bites the man . Er beißt ihn . He (the dog) bites him (the man). Den Mann beißt der Hund. The d...