A1 Modal Verben
MODAL VERBEN Modal verben are model verbs which are auxiliary (helping) verbs that combine with another main verb in one sentence or clause. Their meaning tells us about the speaker's attitude or feelings regarding the action of the verb. There are six model verbs in german. DÜRFEN - be allowed/permitted, may KÖNNEN - be able, can MÖGEN - like, want, may MÜSSEN - have to, must SOLLEN - should, ought to, supposed to WOLLEN - want to In the following charts you'll find the most common conjugations of the six German modal verbs. The subjunctive mood and less commonly used tenses (future, future perfect, past perfect, etc.) Modalverben 1 - Modal Verbs 1 PRÄSENS (Present) PRÄTERITUM (Preterite/Past) PERFEKT (Pres. Perfect) DÜRFEN - be allowed/permitted, may ich darf I may (am permitted) ich durfte I was allowed ich ha...